import java.time.Instant import java.time.ZoneId import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter /* * This file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task. * * This generated file contains a sample Kotlin application project to get you started. * For more details on building Java & JVM projects, please refer to in the Gradle documentation. */ plugins { // Apply the org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm Plugin to add support for Kotlin. alias(libs.plugins.jvm) // Apply the application plugin to add support for building a CLI application in Java. application id("") version "3.4.0" } repositories { // Use Maven Central for resolving dependencies. mavenCentral() maven { url = uri("") } } jib { to.image = "github-release-bot" container.creationTime.set(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.format("UTC")))) val buildDir = layout.buildDirectory.get() outputPaths.imageId = "$buildDir/" outputPaths.digest = "$buildDir/github-release-bot.digest" outputPaths.imageJson = "$buildDir/github-release-bot.json" outputPaths.tar = "$buildDir/github-release-bot.tar" } dependencies { implementation("com.ouattararomuald:syndication:2.1.1") { exclude("com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp") } implementation("com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:5.0.0-alpha.12") implementation(libs.guava) implementation("") implementation("social.bigbone:bigbone:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT") testImplementation("io.kotest:kotest-runner-junit5:5.8.0") testImplementation("io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core:5.8.0") testImplementation("com.willowtreeapps.assertk:assertk:0.28.0") testImplementation("io.mockk:mockk:1.13.9") } // Apply a specific Java toolchain to ease working on different environments. java { toolchain { languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)) } } application { // Define the main class for the application. mainClass.set("de.rpr.releases.AppKt") } tasks.named("test") { // Use JUnit Platform for unit tests. useJUnitPlatform() } tasks.withType().configureEach { jvmArgs("--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED") }